2024 Grant Funding Guidelines
The Judith Ann Mogan Foundation (JAMF) awards grants to qualified organizations in Oregon with programs and projects that benefit communities in the following Service Areas:
- Coastal Douglas County
- Coos County
- Curry County
Below are the organizational requirements and priority areas that guide our funding. These do not represent a complete picture of our requirements and processes. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 541-267-4113 or submit an inquiry to office@jamoganfoundation.org.
For the 2024 Grant Cycle, JAMF is offering two (2) grant programs: a Small Grant Program (Request of $25,000 or less) and a Large Grant Program (Request of more than $25,000). Both grant programs have many questions in common and similar requirements. For the Large Grant Program, the applicant will go through a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) stage (the LOI is a form the applicant needs to fill out on the online portal) with its own evaluation process, before possibly being invited to proceed to the Grant Application stage. Large grant awards are usually disbursed in October or November of the grant cycle year. The Small Grant Program omits the LOI stage and awards are usually disbursed in July or August of the grant cycle year. A guide to our 2024 Grant Cycle Timeline is found HERE.
To access the online request forms: After logging on to the online portal, applicants will click APPLY and you will see available grant opportunities. If you wish to view the form without starting a grant request, click PREVIEW. Click APPLY for a grant opportunity once you are ready to start a request.
We accept not more than two (2) grant applications from an organization. An organization may submit to either or both grant programs, but awards are not guaranteed and if awarded, may be less than requested.
Previous years’ grant recipients with ongoing JAMF awarded projects, may go through the 2024 application process. However, to be considered in the 2024 selection, you must submit progress reports by September 13, 2024 on the status of project(s) previously funded.
- Oregon-based
- 501(c)(3) charitable organizations
- Publicly supported organizations
- Governmental units (City, County, Tribal)
- Schools
- Hospitals
- Organizations with qualified fiscal sponsor
- Arts & Culture
- Children & Youth
- Community Health
- Convening & Gathering Places
- Economic Development
- Environment & Natural Resources
- Poverty Alleviation
- Endowments
- Individual Requests
- Scholarships
- Political Campaigns
- Legislative Activities
- Promotion of any Religious Doctrine
- Financing / Lending
* Applications are accepted via our online application portal found HERE. We do not accept paper or emailed applications.
* Grants are generally for a one-year period. Occasionally, and at the Board’s discretion, multi-year grants may be considered.
* The evaluation process – what we usually look for:
- Organizations that have a clear vision and mission, have a history of effective service to the community, have strong leadership, an engaged board of directors, and proof of sound financial management. Organizations less than three years old or pilot projects will be required to submit documents to prove sound planning and sustainability.
- Projects that serve and benefit communities in our identified service and priority areas, have a clear plan for implementation, and have the staff/volunteers and/or partnerships to ensure success. Projects must have S.M.A.R.T. outputs: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound.
- Additional information may be requested at any time in the grant process.
* Site Visits: If we need more information, we will contact you to schedule a site visit or a ZOOM call.
* Awards: The Judith Ann Mogan Foundation Board of Directors has the sole authority to approve large grant requests. Note that the Foundation rarely funds the whole amount requested. We encourage applicants to source funding from other organizations and we expect to see that the organization itself contributes to funding a project (donations collected, fundraising efforts, budgeted resources, etc.)
* All grantees are required to provide updates, a final report, and share project impact and/or challenges and learnings. We encourage all interested parties to download, print, and add the 2024 Grant Cycle timeline (found HERE) to your calendar. Missed deadlines will disqualify an application.
Grantseekers are invited to review the following resources related to creating S.M.A.R.T. goals:
- https://learning.candid.org/training/introduction-to-measuring-your-impact/Presented by Candid.org, this 54-minute video’s objective is to help you to draft SMART objectives. For more learning resources, please visit the Candid Learning page at Candid Learning | Trainings in nonprofit fundraising, proposal writing, grants
- FREE Printable SMART Goals Template PDF or Word (101planners.com) 101Planners has free SMART goals templates and worksheets that can help you refine achievable goals.
- The SMART approach to writing your grant proposal | Grant funding (youtube.com) Here is a very brief 2+minute video. Enjoy!